2023/2024 Masthead

Marija Robinson, Co-Editor
Marija, or Marj, edits our stories and oversees the production of The Otter. She interned in CBC’s Syndicated Audio unit this summer and, as with every person during the pandemic, once hosted a podcast that shall remain nameless. Her interests lie in trend pieces centring on women’s experiences, including whatever (and whoever) is capturing their attention. You can reach her at  marija.robinson@torontomu.ca 

Macenzie Rebelo, Co-Editor
Macenzie edits our stories and oversees the production of The Otter. She is a production assistant at CBC’s Cross Country Checkup and freelance journalist who can be found at ArtsHelp, SmART Magazine and CBC’s Here and Now. Previously she wrote for TMU’s Journalism-School newsletter. Macenzie is interested in art, investigative journalism and feature writing. You can reach her at macenzie.rebelo@torontomu.ca

Sam Jabri-Pickett, Features Editor
Sam edits our stories, works with writers, and helps manage the production schedule for our team. He was previously a staff writer for Thomson Reuters and a researcher at York University. Sam is interested in travel writing and writing narrative features on subcultures and Middle East politics. You can reach him at sjabripickett@torontomu.ca 

Saman Dara, Digital Editor and Social Media Coordinator
Saman manages, schedules, and designs content for The Otter’s website or social media. She is currently a research assistant and is producing a Met Radio show. She has previously worked in marketing and as a researcher at The Big Story podcast. Saman is interested in audience engagement, media literacy, and discovering new digital tools for storytelling. You can reach her at saman.dara@torontomu.ca

Sahaana Ranganathan, Art Director
Sahaana oversees the design and presentation of all written and digital content for The Otter. She’s produced segments on The Agenda with Steve Paikin at TVO and is currently producing a series with Met Radio. Sahanna is interested in writing stories about politics, art, and social justice. You can reach her at sahaana.ranganathan@torontomu.ca

Lidia Rajcan, Chief Copy Editor
Lidia ensures that The Otter stories are clear to readers and free from any typographical errors. She’s interned and co-produced for TVO’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin. She has a keen interest in unraveling socio-economic and systemic issues, and stories about art and culture. You can reach her at lrajcan@torontomu.ca

Drew-Anne Glennie, Head of Research
Drew-Anne, or Drew, oversees The Otter’s vigorous fact-checking team. Her freelance work can be found in Ottawa Magazine and Spacing, and she previously served as editorial fellow for This Magazine. She considers herself a feminist international relationist by trade and a sports/culture writer by circumstance; in an ideal world, she’d be a Watergate era investigative journalist (hence, head of research!) You can reach her at d.glennie@torontomu.ca

Tori Goodwin, Partnerships/Communications Director
Tori connects with community partners in order to find new writers and stories for The Otter, and coordinates our events! She interned at CBC, where she was an associate producer at Cross Country Checkup, in which she also helped produce breaking news specials. Tori has an interest in writing pieces surrounding pop culture, lifestyle and travel. You can reach her at tori.goodwin@torontomu.ca

We would also like to recognize the following people who support The Otter and make all this possible:

Founder and Instructor: Bill Reynolds

Publisher: Ravindra Mohabeer, Toronto Metropolitan University School of Journalism

Consultants: Carine Abouseif (The Walrus), Jowita Bydlowska (TMU), Erica Lenti (Chatelaine), Eternity Martis (TMU), Angela Misri (TMU), Luc Rinaldi (Toronto Life)

Legal: Ryder Gilliland

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